Does Hawaii Soap Bleach? What To Know (Hawaii Soap Review)
Here is an honest Hawaii Soap Review for those who have been asking the question “does Hawaii Soap bleach skin?”, Hawaii Soap is an Evans Industries Nigeria Ltd product and it comes in three different variants – Papaya Calamansi, Premium Gold, and the Carrot variant.
We all know EVA soaps, it is one of the most popular and affordable bathing soaps in Nigeria, the producer of this soap has many skincare products in the Nigerian market and they are one of the most preferred brands in the country.

For those who have been so disturbed and want to know if Hawaii Soap bleach the skin this article is specially written for you, continue reading this piece to know if Hawaii Soap is good for you and also to know the variant that best suit your skin type.
Will Hawaii Soap Bleach Your Skin?
This is a million-dollar question that you hardly find an answer to on the internet but the answer is simple. According to the ingredients used to manufacture Hawaii Soap, it is made known that none of the ingredients is among the top bleaching agents and this reveals that the soap is safe for use and doesn’t have harsh bleaching agents in it.
Taking a deep look at Hawaii Carrot, Hawaii Papaya and Hawaii Calamansi the three variants has been properly analyzed by experts and dermatologist and a conclusion is reached.
Hawaii Soap does not in any way contain hydroquinone, glutathione, kojic acid, glycolic acid, azelaic acid, linoleic acid and also niacinamide or other bleaching agents.
Nevertheless, the two Hawaii Soap variants (Hawaii Papaya Calamansi & Hawaii Carrot) have in them whitening components from herbal extracts and enzymes.
Hawaii Papaya Calamansi:
For Hawaii Calamansi this is a lime or lemon found in the Philippines, they are very effectice in clearing off dark spots in the body, it is a natural skin exfoliator which also protects the skin from acne scars, wrinkles, blemishes and other skin imperfections.

Hawaii Carrot Soap:
Hawaii Carrot Soap on the other hand is made from carrot extract, carrot is in the same class of fruits with Vitamin C (9%) and this nutrient is known to brighten the skin, remove inflammation and als clear off dead skin cell while giving the skin the ability to produce more skin cells which leaves you with a fresher and brighter skin layer.

Hawaii Premium Gold:
Hawaii Premium Gold Soap contains some glutathione, what glutathione does to the skin is that it reduces the production of melanin and melanin is what determins the colour of your skin, hair and eyes.
When there is not much melanin in the body the skin is more whiter, dark-skinned people have an higher concentration of melanin in their body, this is a pigmentation in high quantity.

Aside from the fact that Hawaii Premium Gold has glutathione it also contains kojic acid, this is a chemical extract from fungi.
Hawaii Premium Gold is made with papaya, carrot and apricot alongside the Glutathione and Kojic acid. We talked about Hawaii Premium Gold being effective against skin wrinkles, this was made possible by the presence of argan oil in Hawaii Premium Gold which moisturizes the skin and keep it from getting dry, it is also very effective against stretch marks.
Our Verdict/Conclusion
Medical experts and scientists all over the world have always encourage us to use mainly natural things be it skincare products or food as they are more safe than the industrially processed ones which are mainly checmicals.
This is our verdict – If all you seek for is a natural way of adding more lighteness/tone or brightness then Hawai soap is a nice product you should use but if you want an excess bleaching of your skin from dark to light then you may look for other products as you cannot achieve that with Hawaii soap.
On the other hand, to achieve a more rapid skin tone you can go for Hawaii Premium Gold as it is more efficient in whitening your skin better than the other two variants but do not forget Hawaii Premium Gold contains glutathione and kojic acid.
We at NaijaXtreme Fashion advise against you bleaching your skin from dark to white as this can cause skin issues like imperfect skin complexion and could also result to skin cancer as you are damaging your skin when you apply toxic chemicals on it.
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I hope you enjoy reading this review and we believe you will make the right selection. If you have a contribution to make or a question then kindly make use of the comment box below.