How to Grow Eyelashes With Natural Products [6 Tips]

Do you wish o know how to grow eyelashes with natural products? Long, hydrated and well-groomed eyelashes enhance the beauty and attractiveness of the eyes to the maximum, and they give a very special look to the eyes. 

Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough to have extra long and abundant eyelashes, because we must also bear in mind that they grow noticeably slower than hair.

Even so, there are a series of beauty tricks that we can put into practice to have longer eyelashes in a completely natural way and dazzle with a much more beautiful look. 

How to Grow Eyelashes With Natural Products [6 Tips]

Keep reading this article and discover how to grow your eyelashes with home remedies and easy tricks to always keep them healthy.

How to grow eyelashes with nutrients

In the same way that a poor diet influences hair growth, what you eat daily also has an immediate effect on the growth of eyelashes. There are vitamins and minerals that help eyelashes grow faster, stronger and healthier. In addition to following a balanced diet, nutrients such as:

  • Antioxidants: berries, tomato, kiwi, avocado, wheat germ, olive oil, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables.
  • Biotin or vitamin H: egg yolk, brewer’s yeast, oily fish, cauliflower, nuts, strawberries, raspberries, bananas.
  • Omega 3: oily fish, vegetable oils, chia or flax seeds, nuts, fish oil.

How to grow eyelashes with castor oil

Without a doubt, the best trick if you are wondering how to make your eyelashes grow with home remedies is to nourish them in depth using products that hydrate and strengthen them, preventing their premature deterioration. 

Among the most effective we find olive oil and castor oil, both ideal for stimulating the growth of eyelashes and keeping them well conditioned.

  1. The best thing is that you pour a few drops of one of these oils on your eyelash brush or on a cotton pad.
  2. Apply the oil to your lashes just before you go to sleep, trying to comb them upwards.
  3. Let the oil act overnight.

Do it every day and you will see how in a very short time you notice the difference. 

If you want to know how to grow eyelashes naturally, the first step will be to make sure that your body receives these essential nutrients.

How to grow eyelashes with Vaseline

In addition to these oils, there is a product that is the perfect natural lubricant to strengthen lashes and accelerate their growth if used continuously. It is Vaseline, a lotion with many cosmetic uses that you can easily get in large supermarkets, perfumeries or pharmacies.

Apply a little Vaseline just at the base of your lashes every night, and the next day rinse your eyes carefully. In just a few weeks, you will see how much more hydrated and beautiful your eyelashes are. We continue to share some tricks on how to grow eyelashes with home remedies!

How to grow eyelashes with chamomile

Another of the best home remedies to grow eyelashes is chamomile, as this ingredient helps to strengthen and lengthen them naturally. In addition, it is a therapeutic plant with many benefits for eye health. If you want to discover how to grow eyelashes fast, follow these steps:

  1. To do the treatment, prepare an infusion of chamomile.
  2. Strain the liquid to avoid finding pieces of the herb and put it to cool.
  3. When it cools, apply a little on the upper and lower lashes. You can help yourself with a cotton pad.

How to grow eyelashes with coconut oil

If we talk about how to grow eyelashes with home remedies, we cannot fail to mention coconut oil, one of the most beneficial ingredients for skin and hair. You can use this home remedy in two ways: either by pouring a few drops on your mascara (a couple or three will suffice) to enhance the effect of your mascara, or directly with a brush or cotton swab.

  1. If you choose the second option, soak a small brush or cotton swab in a few drops of coconut oil.
  2. Apply the ingredient on the tip of your eyelashes very carefully so that it does not get into your eye.
  3. Comb the lashes upwards while applying the coconut oil.
  4. Let it sit overnight.

If you want to see more natural treatments that promote the growth of your eyelashes, we invite you to read this article in full.

Other tricks to grow eyelashes fast

Wondering how to grow eyelashes naturally and fairly quickly? The ingredients that we have presented to you are very useful. However, you should take into account other tricks to facilitate the penetration of these ingredients and that your eyelashes gain more volume in less time.

Remove make-up from your eyes

If you have the habit of applying makeup to your eyelashes, it is important that at the end of the day you remove your eye makeup and pay special attention to cleaning your eyelashes, as the accumulated remains of mascara can cause them to become excessively weak and split. 

You just have to buy a specific eye make-up remover and apply it with a cotton pad on the eyes to remove all the paint. In the event that you use waterproof mascara, you should choose a biphasic lotion, which combines a water base with an oily one and is the best option to completely remove resistant makeup.

Brush your lashes daily

Getting into the habit of brushing your lashes daily will also encourage their growth and, in the long run, make them look thicker and shinier. The best thing is that you buy a specific brush for the eyelashes and that you start combing them from the root to the tips when they are very clean. 

If you do not have this brush, another option is to clean and use the brush of a mascara that has run out or that you no longer use.

Read Also: 10 Tips On How To Make Your Hair Grow Fast

Use a moisturizing mascara

Also do not forget that UV rays greatly weaken eyelashes, so a good way to protect them from the sun is to apply a transparent mascara with moisturizing components before exposure, as well as wearing sunglasses whenever possible.

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