10 Tips On How To Make Your Hair Grow Fast

How to make hair grow fast, healthy and beautiful? Find out what really works to put into practice right now! Discovering how to make hair grow fast is on the radar of many people, because healthy and beautiful strands are a complement to increase self-esteem. 

Hair growth is linked to many factors, ranging from genetics to lifestyle habits, stress level and food quality. In this article, you check out 10 tips that will accelerate the development of wires in a healthy way!

10 Tips On How To Make Your Hair Grow Fast

The importance of hair for self-esteem

Hair goes beyond aesthetics and is directly related to self-esteem. It shows your personality and identity, whether by long, short, straight, curly or colored strands.

In other words, hair is an essential component of your style and even portrays humor and empowerment. Therefore, valuing the wires is substantial to raise self-esteem.

Having stylish, healthy and beautiful hair also contributes to mental health and social life. And those who are emotionally well deal better with feelings of sadness, anger and frustration, as they harmonize their thoughts so that they can work and relate to partners, friends and family. Did you just see how taking care of your hair goes far beyond aesthetics?

What can affect hair growth

Before knowing how to make hair grow fast, we need to understand which factors compromise hair growth. This information can even be useful to improve daily care and, who knows, add a new step to your routine.

The main factors that can reduce the rate of hair growth are:

  • alopecia
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • thyroid problems
  • hormonal changes
  • lack of vitamins
  • bad eating habits
  • lack of daily hygiene habits

These factors interfere not only with hair growth but also with health as a whole. Therefore, when you notice the presence of any of them, seek medical attention to receive reliable and personalized guidance to treat any problem and stay healthy.

Let’s highlight three of them and explain them further!


Alopecia is a disease that causes hair loss and reduced growth. It can be related to genetics or be an autoimmune condition and is common among both men and women. 

Androgenetic alopecia (which has a genetic cause) usually develops in adolescence, but the signs do not appear until the age of 40. The hair becomes thin and, over time, the scalp becomes apparent. 

Treatment consists of the use of hormone blockers and hair growth stimulants, such as minoxidil. As it is a genetic disease, there is no prevention. 

Alopecia areata is an inflammatory disease that causes hair loss, forming circular faults on the scalp. Emotional factors, physical trauma and infectious conditions can trigger or worsen the condition.

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, the treatments available involve both topical medications, such as minoxidil and corticosteroids and injectables in delimited areas of the scalp. There are no forms of prevention. 

Seborrheic dermatitis

It is an inflammation of the skin that causes scaling and redness on the scalp, but also in the corners of the nose, eyebrows and ears. Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic disease, with periods of improvement and worsening of symptoms. 

It can have a genetic origin and is usually triggered by allergies, stress, cold, alcohol, excess oil and some medications. Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious. 

Symptoms are oily skin and scalp, hair loss, scaling (white scales) and redness of the skin. Treatment consists of the use of ointments prescribed by dermatologists and should involve the following habits:

  • use of shampoos that have salicylic acid, tar, selenium, sulfur, zinc and antifungals in the formula
  • wash your hair more often
  • stop using hair spray, gel and ointment
  • avoid wearing hats and caps
  • completely remove shampoo and conditioner residue with each wash


Continuous episodes of stress release cortisol and other hormones into the bloodstream, a situation that affects the body, even reflecting on the hair and skin. These hormones sensitize the hair follicles, causing hair loss. 

Chronic stress is one of the causes of telogen effluvium, a condition characterized by increased daily hair loss. She is easily noticed in the shower (with that hair bun that falls in the shower) and when we brush the wires.

So, instead of a normal hair loss of 100 to 120 strands a day, we can have 200 to 300 hair falling out daily. It is interesting to know that the cause is associated with some event that happened three months before the start of the fall. In addition to stress, are involved:

  • post childbirth
  • fever
  • acute infection
  • sinusitis
  • the flu
  • pneumonia
  • bariatric surgery
  • very restrictive diets
  • metabolic or infectious diseases

How to make hair grow fast?

Hair needs daily care to stay healthy and accelerate its growth, ensuring more shine and volume. Some habits adopted in everyday life contribute to valuing the wires and strengthening them.

So now, yes, let’s go to the 10 tips you’ve been wanting on how to make your hair grow fast — and healthy and beautiful, of course!

1. Take care of food

Food has a direct influence on the health of your hair, as some nutrients contribute to forming the hair matrix. Therefore, in addition to supporting your health, maintaining a healthy and nutrient-rich diet is essential for hair to grow fast. It is important to maintain a diet rich in the following nutrients:

  • proteins
  • vitamin C
  • B vitamins such as biotin
  • iron
  • zinc
  • organic silicon

Protein intake, for example, is beneficial for hair keratin, which protects and preserves nutrients in the hair, preventing water loss from the hair shaft. When your hair has keratin levels in order, it becomes shiny and manageable.

Hair loses keratin naturally with the action of the sun, but this process can be accelerated with the indiscriminate use of a hairdryer, flat iron, babyliss, progressive brush, in addition to bleaching and coloring processes.

Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible, but if you need to use equipment that generates heat, apply a heat protectant first to minimize the impact.

A great food rich in B vitamins is almonds. The oilseed contains biotin, which helps to prevent hair loss, and vitamin B5, which strengthens hair follicles and aids in the regeneration of the scalp. 

A food rich in organic silicon? The oats! The cereal acts to reduce the breakage and fall of the wires and contributes to the formation of hair fiber. 

Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits; zinc in pumpkin seeds; and iron in beans, pulses, red meat and dark foliage. 

Your eating plan should be prepared with professional support from a doctor or nutritionist. In this way, you will have personalized menus that will assist in the growth of your hair and preserve your health in a comprehensive way.

2. Massage the scalp

When washing your hair, it is essential to massage the scalp, cyclically, with your fingertips (never with your nails) and without applying too much force. These movements stimulate local blood circulation and favor the growth of your wires.

3. Hydrate your hair

Moisturizing is a relatively simple step that can be incorporated into your hair care routine at home. Is your hair rough, frizzy and dry ends? Hydrate it!

The hydration process returns to the hair the moisture lost with everyday aggressions (sun, sweat, pollution, chemicals, hairdryer and flat iron, for example). Do this step right after shampooing your hair. Remove excess water and apply the cream strand by strand, gloving them. Do not apply the product to the root.

Then, let the mask act on the wires, according to the time recommended on the package. To enhance the treatment, you can use an aluminum cap. Finally, remove the product with water and let it dry naturally, preferably. 

There is no rule of frequency of hair hydration. If you already follow a hair schedule, be guided by it.

4. Quit smoking

In addition to causing damage to health, smoking harms hair growth, as it reduces blood oxygenation in the hair bulbs. With this, development happens more slowly, so quitting smoking is essential for anyone looking for ways to make their hair grow fast and strong.

5. Avoid wearing a cap and hat

Another factor that compromises hair growth is the continuous use of caps or hats, as they smother the root and hamper development. 

In addition, the use of these accessories favors the emergence of fungi on the scalp, favoring seborrheic dermatitis, and for this reason, it is important to avoid excesses.

6. Pin your hair

As much as it may not seem like it, holding your hair in braids or ponytails helps to speed up hair growth. The natural pressure of these hairstyles encourages growth, however, to prevent hair breakage, it is important to avoid excess weight or pressure.

7. Take vitamins for growth

Currently, it is possible to find different types of vitamins for hair growth, to nourish the root and improve blood circulation in the scalp. Therefore, consult your doctor and request the indication of supplements to enhance hair growth.

B vitamins such as biotin and organic silicon are two important elements for hair, but as they are not always present in the food we eat, we need to supplement. 

8. Avoid excessive exposure to the sun

When you are outdoors on sunny days, it is important to take care to avoid sun exposure. The sun’s rays dry out the strands and make them more brittle, increasing the possibility of hair loss and loss of shine.

You can use special sunscreens to keep your hair and scalp protected from the harmful damage of sun exposure.

9. Take care of hair hygiene

Don’t go too many days without washing your hair. It is important to keep the scalp clean, as oiliness worsens hair loss and can even favor the emergence of seborrheic dermatitis in people who are prone to this condition, according to dermatologists. 

Use a shampoo suitable for your hair type. Apply a small amount to the palm of your hands and concentrate the product on the scalp. Massage for a few minutes and, with the foam that forms, go down the length of the strands, to the ends. 

Rinse and then apply conditioner or treatment mask along the length, avoiding the root. Finally, remove all the product and continue with the care routine.  

10. Be careful with the use of chemicals

Dyes and discolorations dry and weaken the hair, which can affect the rate at which the hair grows. Those who use these chemical products should, therefore, redouble their treatments: hydration and nutrition are two stages of the capillary schedule that will save your locks, believe me!

Read Also: Types Of Hair Removal: Understand More About Each One

If you don’t give up on these chemical procedures, at least try to widen the time window between them so that your hair isn’t exposed too often to the products. 

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