How To Make A Carrot Sunscreen – Quick Guide

If you love to have homemade sunscreen then here is how to make a carrot sunscreen step-by-step. The carrot is a very crucial product when it comes to tanning the skin. 

On the one hand, it is an excellent tanning accelerator and enhancer when taken in the months before exposure to the sun. Although it is also a good natural sunscreen once applied to the skin it protects it from the sun’s rays.

How To Make A Carrot Sunscreen - Quick Guide

A reason why it is used in many commercial sunscreens although it is also found in natural products. You can even make this type of protection at home. 

Here we are going to explain how to make a sunscreen with carrot. For this, we propose three options.

Sunscreen with carrot vegetable oil

Among the sunscreen options that you can easily prepare at home is carrot vegetable oil. It is important to focus on the concept of vegetable oil because it is the one that contains a higher level of beta-carotene, which is responsible for pigmenting the skin, but which is transformed into vitamin A.

In this way, it protects cells and tissues, apart from activate melanin, which is a natural protection against solar rays.

Obviously, we propose the carrot because it is one of the foods in which there is a greater presence of beta-carotene, so it is ideal for making a protector.

On this occasion, we are going to make carrot vegetable oil, which you can apply directly to the skin. 

To do it, you only need some carrots and better if they are from organic farming, as well as sesame oil that helps extract the properties of this vegetable and a glass jar. When you have everything, we can start with the elaboration:

  1. The first step is to take the glass jar and boil it in water to sterilize it.
  2. The carrots have to be washed and chopped well, a process that you can do while the jar is being cleaned in the boiling water. You don’t need to peel the carrots, although you can if you prefer.
  3. Once they are chopped, put the pieces in the glass jar, when it is cold.
  4. Next, add the sesame oil, covering well all the carrots inside the jar, which must be covered.
  5. Then it is left to macerate for about 7 days, a period after which the oil is strained in which you must macerate other new pieces of carrot so that they macerate for another seven days. After this time, you strain again and the oil is made, which is ready for use.

Carrot oil with vitamin E to protect the skin from the sun

Another version of carrot oil is to add vitamin E, which is bought in capsules at pharmacies, para pharmacies or herbalists, among other establishments. The elaboration is similar to the process that we have followed previously.

The only difference is in the incorporation of vitamin E, which is added to the oil that you have obtained after the second maceration. Then, you have to close the glass jar well so that the product does not go rancid and it is in perfect condition for when you are going to use it.

The advantage of this formula is that this oil can be used both before sun exposure to protect the skin, and after exposure to regenerate the skin thanks to vitamin E.

How to make a sunscreen with carrot cream

Another alternative is to make a carrot cream sunscreen, for which it is very good to have the oil that we have prepared previously. In addition, you will need other ingredients such as the following:

Ingredients and materials

  • Bee wax
  • shea butter
  • Vitamin E
  • powdered zinc oxide
  • Glass jar, which you must boil in hot water to disinfect it.


  1. You have to put the carrot vegetable oil, the shea butter and the beeswax in a container in a bain-marie so that they melt and the ingredients are well mixed.
  2. Then, you remove them from the heat and wait until their temperature drops and they are warm. That will be the moment to add the powdered zinc oxide, which you must handle with care because it is dangerous in this state. If you can, wear a mask to protect yourself from accidentally inhaling it.
  3. Then mix everything well until there are no lumps. Once you have a homogeneous mixture, put it in a container so that it rests and acquires that creamy texture.

There are three ways of how to make a carrot sunscreen. We always recommend consulting a specialist for protection against the sun’s rays that is most suitable for each type of skin and person.

Read Also: The 8 Best Sunscreen For Face In Nigeria

If you want to read similar articles to How to make a very effective sunscreen with carrots, we recommend you visit our Beauty and Personal Care guide category.

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