What Is The Best Mascara Brand? 7 Shopping Guide For You

To have powerful eyelashes, it is very important to know the best mascara brand, types of mascara applicators and different formulas. That’s why we’ve separated a list of 7 product suggestions that will help you have a striking and lasting look. Learn how to choose the best mascara for you!

Regardless of your lash type, there is a mascara for you. Knowing the different types of applicators and formulas helps you to enhance your look the right way and for much longer, that is, your lashes are even more beautiful, whether they are short or long.

What Is The Best Mascara Brand? 7 Shopping Guide For You

To find the best eyelash mask, check out this content until the end of this article!

Discover The Best Mascara Brands & Products

1. The Colossal Volum’Express – Maybelline

This is one of the most loved mascaras in the world and can be considered by many as the best mascara by Maybelline.

The great advantage that this mascara can offer is the fact that it can unite two excellent benefits with the application of a single layer: you will have elongated and voluminous lashes with just a few layers of product.

Another important point here is its durability. It can last all day without any smudges, even if you use the washable version. 

You can find this product in 4 different versions: washable, waterproof, super black and super film – which is washable only under warm water.

2. Soul Turbo – Eudora

Soul Turbo is an eyelash mask that offers 5 benefits in a single product:

  1. gives volume;
  2. helps to bend;
  3. it has a long duration;
  4. lengthens eyelashes;
  5. provides greater definition.

In addition to all these benefits, its formula does not smudge but is easy to remove with makeup removers.

3. Supershock Max – Avon

Supershock Max is one of Avon’s best-selling and most beloved mascaras. 

It is a product that promises a complete effect, that is, it offers volume, stretching and maximum definition.

There’s still another plus point: this mask is waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about durability.

4. Sensational Lashes – Maybelline

This mask from one of the most beloved brands of makeup offers a fan effect. An effect that is only possible due to the alternating size and curvature of the brush bristles.

Its formula is more liquid and leaves the lashes very black and separated, without forming lumps or lumps.

Like The Colossal, you can find this mask in both washable and waterproof versions.

5. Curl & Volume Express – Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose is a makeup brand that offers quality products at a low price and also considered as one of the best mascara brand.

The Curl & Volume Express Mascara promises good results, giving volume and good curvature to the lashes without forming clumps.

6. The Falsies Lash Lift – Maybelline

The applicator format of this mask is perfect to give that curl to the lashes, giving the impression that they are longer and has a long duration: up to 16 hours of impeccable look. 

The two curves that the bristles have manage to catch the entire length of the wires, from the smallest.

7. Glam Lashes – Bruna Tavares

Last but not least on our list of the best mascara brands in the world is Bruna Tavares, this is a popular reference when it comes to makeup and its products are known for having high quality.

The bristles and the curvature of the applicator can offer two advantages: they prevent the accumulation of product (and in this way also avoid the formation of lumps) and they help to give more volume since it is possible to use several layers without worrying.

Want more benefits? The formula of this product has moisturizing substances!

How to choose mascara for each effect?

Bristles to add volume

Most people who use mascara want to add a little more volume to their hair. So, in that case, you have to look for applicators that have short, thick bristles. This type helps to retain more product and therefore manages to give more volume to the wires. 

The mascara applicator with alternating bristles also manages to add volume to the lashes, in addition to lengthening them.

Another tip to find the best mascara for the desired effect is to analyze the composition of the product. In that case, opt for a mascara that has pro-keratin among the ingredients.

To bend

Offering a greater curvature to the wires is also important. In this case, “C” shaped bristles are excellent for this purpose. The mascara that has applicators with thin and hard bristles is also a good option, as this format helps to lengthen the hair.

Remember that, in this case, having an eyelash curler is essential to have this final effect.

Essentials for stretching

For those with shorter eyelashes, having an eyelash mask that helps lengthen them is a great option.

In this case, choose a mascara that has an applicator with alternating bristles or an applicator with fine, stiff bristles.

Hedgehog-shaped bristles

It is the most different type of mascara bristle of all and is excellent for applying the product to all strands. From the shortest ones that are in the corners to the biggest ones.

It can also be a good option for those who want more volume, as the product manages to deposit a good amount of product on the wires.

To make the eyelashes separate

To have that effect of parted lashes as if they were combed, the mascara wand with separate bristles should be your go-to.

The one with thin and hard bristles can also be good as they are indicated for combing and lengthening eyelashes.

How to apply an eyelash mask? 

It is important to be careful when applying mascara to your lashes, as too much product can come in the applicator at once, there is a chance of clumps forming, the applicator may not offer the curl you want and the formula may not be ideal. and end up blurring near the eyes, especially in the dark circles.

Therefore, remove excess product before applying and, above all, be patient. The tip to have amazing lashes is to wait a few seconds between one layer and another and apply from the root of the wires to the ends, without putting too much pressure on the ends. 

If you like the doll eyes effect, applying mascara to your lower lashes can help you achieve this look. In this case, you should be even more careful if the makeup — the foundation and the concealer, for example — is ready.

How to remove waterproof mascara?

For those who are a fan of waterproof makeup and do not give up the guarantee of not smudging and not leaving with water, waterproof mascaras or with super film technology are ideal.

But it is necessary to remove this product well from the eyelashes before going to sleep or the eyelashes can be damaged with accumulation of dirt and even bacteria.

Therefore, it is important that the removal of waterproof mascaras is done with products that guarantee 100% cleaning. 

For those who like mascaras with super film technology, cleaning can be done with warm bath water. That way, the product comes out almost completely and without big smudges.

Waterproof mascara is often difficult to remove and many people can pull on their lashes too much and end up breaking them. So, soak a cotton ball with makeup remover or take a little balm remover and press it lightly on the eyes for a few seconds. 

Read Also: The Best Makeup Brush Brands For Professionals

After you feel that the product has already started to “melt,” remove the excess with circular movements and very gently so as not to hurt your eyes or end up tearing your lashes.

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