Liquid Keratin: Know How To Use It Correctly On Your Hair
Keratin is a substance naturally produced by the body, especially in nails and hair. Replenishing this nutrient using liquid keratin is a great option to make the strands stronger, more beautiful and with up-to-date hydration, preventing a series of hair problems. Learn more about it and learn how to use liquid keratin on your hair.
90% of the capillary structure is composed of keratin, an extremely important protein. However, on a daily basis, with chemical procedures such as dyeing, straightening, excessive use of heat and other external agents, such as sunlight, the hair loses a considerable part of the keratin and thus needs to replace this protein.

Who needs keratin in their hair?
Everyone needs to replace keratin at least once a month, even people who don’t use chemistry, as external agents, like the sun, can end up taking away this important protein. However, protein is lost more easily in some cases and it is possible to identify when the hair is lacking this important nutrient:
1- Very dry hair;
2- It’s brittle;
3- The number of split ends has increased;
4- It’s opaque and common hydration doesn’t bring back the shine;
5- Frizz is uncontrollable;
6- Embarrasses easily.
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How to use liquid keratin on hair?
Liquid keratin is indicated for people who have very dry hair and need urgent reconstruction. On a daily basis, for those with healthy hair, it is only recommended to use hair masks that have keratin in the composition, as if applied in excess, it will have a rebound effect and make the hair heavy.
To use liquid keratin is very simple, this process is called capillary reconstruction. Follow the step by step:
1- First, put a teaspoon (or more if your hair is very long) in a clean and sanitized spray bottle;
2- Go to the shower and wash your hair normally;
3- Make sure the wires are without any residue and remove the excess;
4- With the spray bottle, apply to the ends and length of the hair, avoiding the roots;
5- Let it act for 5 minutes and rinse your hair;
6-Finish with a hydration mask.
This procedure should only be done every 15 days in extremely damaged hair and every 25 days in healthy hair.
Can you put liquid keratin in the hydration cream?
Yes, it is another way of using keratin. If you need a quicker solution to replenish the keratin in your hair, just add it to your moisturizing cream to receive this protein.
There are two ways, you can mix a few drops when you are going to use the hydration mask or add it to the cream pot. The amount depends on the amount of your moisturizer, but add a teaspoon to every 100ml of hair moisturizer.
What is the effect of liquid keratin on hair?
Keratin’s effects on hair are almost immediate after application. After use and the hair absorbs the protein, it is easier to untangle the strands, preventing breakage. It is also possible to feel the hair softer and the shine also increases.
In very damaged hair, it is possible that the effects will only start to appear after a few applications. For this reason, it is important to maintain the constancy of the application on the wires.
Can you flat iron your hair with keratin?
This procedure is called cauterization and should not be done at home without the help of a professional. This procedure is done to make the strands stronger. After applying the keratin, the flat iron is used to seal the cuticles and let the hair better absorb the nutrient.
However, this procedure must be done with the right amount of liquid keratin and also with the right temperature of the flat iron, so as not to further damage the wires and have the opposite effect than desired.
What happens if you sleep with keratin in your hair?
Keratin has an ideal time to leave it acting on the strands, after that period, the hair will suffer from the opposite effect. The correct time is a maximum of 10 minutes, after this period, it is recommended to remove all the liquid keratin from the hair. Sleeping with keratin in the hair can dry out the hair, make it even more fragile and increase hair loss. For this reason, it is important to respect the right time.
It is important to note that keratin needs to be combined with other hair care products to have a more potent effect and leave the hair healthy. Invest in a capillary schedule, which focuses on reconstruction using keratin, nutrition replacing lost oils and hydration, replacing water.
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In addition, using the right products for your hair type, investing in a good thermal protector if you recurrently use heat sources, avoiding very hot water when washing and investing in good nutrition, since your hair needs vitamins that come through healthy eating.