How to Start Clothes Selling Business in Nigeria And Scale Up
For an individual interested in starting a profitable business in Nigeria this article will guide you on how to start clothes selling business in Nigeria and everything you need to scale it up.
Selling clothes in Nigeria is one of the most profitable businesses you can venture into with little or no risk involved unlike other businesses out there, this is a commodity everyone needs both young and old and the demand for clothes is increasing day by day.
For a country like Nigeria with over 250 million people, there is no doubt about how high the demand for clothes and other fabric materials will be, this is a great opportunity that most people do not take notice of.

Hardly will you see someone doing clothing businesses quit such business, it is so lucrative and doesn’t demand much capital. The interesting fact is that you can even start it with no capital.
As we all know being a business owner is the best thing because you have all the time to use, you do things at your own pace with no one pressuring you, the more serious you are about it the more your income.
The government of the day doesn’t care about the welfare of Nigerians as there is a daily increase of people with no jobs, the unemployment rate is getting poorer every blessed day and this has made everyone start looking for various sources of income, even those who have one job or the other cannot depend on one job, they need to have other sources as you cannot predict tomorrow.
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With the Nigerian Naira getting weaker day by day it has a negative impact on the citizens and this is why we at NaijaXtreme Fashion advise you to learn how to start clothes selling business in Nigeria and also know how to scale it up.
Now that many people are diversifying the Nigerian textile and fashion industry has started getting drastic improvement as we now have many people in the clothes selling business but even at that, the demand is still yet to be met.
Without taking much of your time with a lengthy introduction, let us go deep into the topic of the day.
Why Should You Start a Clothes Selling Business In Nigeria?
The answer to this question will determine how you are going to fare when you start the business and also will let you know if you have what it takes to venture into the business.
#1. Constant Demand For Clothes
With the birth rate still thriving there will always be a need to buy clothes, there has always been an increase in the world’s population so this is to tell you that when you venture into the cloth selling business in Nigeria you do not have to worry about job security.
#2. Everyday Demand for Clothes
One thing we all worry about most is food and clothes but some people will cut costs when it comes to food just to have a good dress because looking good is a good business. Nobody knows the food you ate but they can see what you put on and this alone can attract good people towards you on a norm or even when seeking contracts or jobs.
So, this means even with the harsh economy people still buy clothes so why not take advantage of this and start your clothes selling business?
#3. Importation
As a Nigerian you have the ability to import clothes of your choice in various designs as long as you are not satisfied with whatever they sell here in Nigeria, we have a lot of people that are into mini-importation in Nigeria and their income cannot be compared to those who decide to only sell whatever they find locally.
You can start importation on a small scale and also on a large scale, the sweetest part is you can make a selection based on the quality standard you want.
#4. Enhances Networking & Friendship
This reason sounds strange but it helps a lot, once you venture into this business you meet new people and you can build a relationship with them and in turn earns you more money.
Once you have people you can call or message at any time you wish you become a trusted source and with this, you can advertise more and earn more, they will even refer to you more potential buyers who will also become your friend.
How to Start Clothes Selling Business in Nigeria
By following the listed guidelines it is certain you will become successful at it so we urge you to take note of all the listed points before venturing into the selling of clothes in Nigeria.
Choose A Type of Clothes to Sell
You cannot just pick on random clothes like selling of lingeries, selling of men and women wear, kids wear and so on, it is better you stick with one. So, it is either you sell men’s top or wears, office clothes, unisex wear, women wear, kids wear e.t.c., choosing one to stick with is always better.
Make Inquiries On the Business
Before starting clothes selling business in Nigeria it is important for you to ask for information from those who are already in the business. Although some people will not want to reveal things you need to know as they don’t want competition but you can always find someone willing to put you through. Never forget every business has its own pros and cons so these are things you should consider knowing before starting.
Although we mentioned earlier that even without capital you can start a cloth selling business in Nigeria, this is true but having capital will help you start with something you can quickly pick up and sell when there is an order for it, but if you do not have a capital you can show downloaded pictures to people and once they pay you quickly buy and send which usually takes some days.
What Are The Challenges Faced in The Cloth Selling Business?
Like every other business, there is a challenge, we talked about you knowing the pros and cons, and here we go.
- Start-Up Cost – Starting this business especially if you intend to have a physical store will cost a lot, also some clothes can be so expensive so it also depends on the category of clothes you intend to venture into.
- Marketing Cost – To get people to know you now sell clothes requires you to spend some money and time and this is solely dependent on what you want, if you really want to scale up your business you need to spend on marketing. Running adverts with social media influencers and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on costs money, likewise designing banners too costs money.
- Suppliers – You need to take this into consideration as many people out there are looking forward to scamming you, getting a credible source where you buy your clothes is very important as you do not want to buy substandard clothes, this will make your customers flee.
- Exposure to Trends – Someone who is into a fashion business needs to know the latest trends, you do not want to buy outdated designs as nobody will buy them. You should get yourself updated with the latest trends in the category of clothing business you choose.
- Competition – Although we mentioned earlier that the demand for clothes is on the high side that doesn’t rule out the fact that there is competition, you should learn how to maintain a healthy competition with other people in the same line of business with you, this will help a lot.
How To Scale Up Your Clothes Selling Business In Nigeria
Every business owner always wants to increase in profit and popularity, you should also add this if you really want to be successful in this business, we have listed some things you should do:
- Create an online store or use free e-commerce stores like Jumia, Jiji, Konga e.t.c.
- Start an advert campaign online (Marketing)
- Create social media pages and groups to have constant discussions with your customers
- If you need to rent a physical store it is advised you choose a nice location, marketplace, school area, office area e.t.c.
- Buy your stocks in Nigeria from Lagos, Aba, Wuse (FCT)
- You can also buy your stocks online through mini-importation
- Open a business bank account (Current account).
With all these being handled appropriately your business will thrive within a few weeks and you too can become a successful business owner with more money to scale up further.
Doing all can be a bit tedious but you still have the opportunity to move at your own pace, we advise you to make sure you have a strong social media presence as with this you will sell more even when you don’t have stocks available and also, do not forget to take advantage of platforms like Jiji, Konga and Jumia, there is no limit to how much you can earn daily on those platforms.
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With this, we hope we have been able to assist you in starting your own clothes selling business in Nigeria, if you have a question or any contributions to make kindly make use of the comment box.