Do Cosmetic Products Expire? Other Things To Know
Do cosmetic products expire? A lot of people have questions about the expiration date of cosmetics and we are here to answer what seems to be the main concern of many people.
A very frequent question when talking about makeup or skincare is the expiration date of cosmetics. How does it work? Should we follow through? Is it bad to use expired cosmetic products? As our community asked, we will answer everything here.
Why is there an expiration date on cosmetics?
The first rule about the validity of cosmetics is clear: you have to respect the date, yes. “The expiration date on a package is not informed by chance.
There is a period that guarantees the effectiveness and safety of the ingredients, which are divided between actives (which will in fact bring the proposed result) and preservatives (which prolong the validity of the products, avoiding the oxidation of the actives and contamination).

Both will lose their effectiveness over time, and, with that, the risk of oxidation and contamination will increase”.
“Of course, some extreme situations, which change the shelf life to less time, must be taken into account. This is the case of storage in an inappropriate place exposed to the sun or extreme humidity and contamination by misuse”.
Why are cosmetics shelf life so short?
It really depends on what you consider short. With the phenomenon of globalization, the same product is available in several different markets. In the past, on average, the shelf life of a cosmetic was 24 months after its manufacture.
For some products, which contain more biological ingredients, peptides or more elaborate active principles, companies reduce this shelf life to 18 months.
However, there is the entire period between manufacture and its final destination, which is the consumer’s hand, and this period is lengthy.
This includes manufacturing, clearing the stock and all your licenses, ordering from merchants, customs and clearance, retail distribution… This whole process can take up to ten months, and it’s already taken into account when you buy the product.
Is it bad to use expired cosmetics?
It is important to emphasize that a cosmetic, after the expiration of its validity period, is no longer suitable for use, since after this period the concentrations of actives in a formula are no longer guaranteed.
Another risk to take into account when talking about a cosmetic used after its expiration date is the effectiveness of its assets, which is no longer guaranteed after the deadline. Not to mention possible reactions, such as itching, redness or irritation of the skin (or eyes).
What can happen from using an expired product in the eye area?
The eye area is sensitive, as the skin is thinner and there is the conjunctiva, the ocular mucosa that can become inflamed. Using an expired product can have a reduced effect or even generate contact eczema, in addition to irritating the conjunctiva, leading to itching and redness, symptoms similar to conjunctivitis.
Does any type of cosmetic carry more risk if used after the expiration date?
Acids, for example, oxidize and darken. In addition, inadvertent use can sensitize the skin, leaving it sensitive and red, which can lead to itching or staining.
Unexpired sunscreens are also dangerous, as they lose the function of protecting the skin against UV radiation, increasing the risk of burns and, later, causing stains, premature aging and even skin cancer.
Is it true that if stored incorrectly, the product can “expire” ahead of time?
Yes! To ensure the effectiveness of their products, cosmetics companies need to follow the main GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) requirements: training, hygiene, vestments/clothing and cleaning, and it is the responsibility of the company and the employee to comply with the rules.
Once it arrives at the consumer’s home, it is important that the products are stored correctly. Keep them away from the sun, very humid places, cabinets with infiltration, and moldy places, avoid storing them near food and be careful when handling the products to avoid contamination.
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Do the manipulated always have a shorter shelf life?
It is extremely important that consumers look for pharmacies trusted by their doctors. The products handled by themselves already have reduced validity and, therefore, require greater attention. In case of allergies and/or irritation, you should always contact your dermatologist.