10 Keys To Promote Your Clothing Brand; How To Sell In Fashion?
Today the fashion industry is one of the most competitive in the market, even more so when you are starting to create your brand. It can be hard to know where to start, how to generate sales, or who to contact.
In this article, we want to help you solve all the doubts that prevent you from taking advantage of all the unlimited resources that exist today, with access to the internet and social networks.

Now more than ever we can connect with thousands of people in ways that were unthinkable just a few years ago. Below you will find 10 keys that will help you in the process of promoting and selling your products.
10 Keys To Promote Your Clothing Brand
1. Believe in yourself and your brand
The first thing is to trust yourself and your product. Only you know how valuable your brand is and all the effort behind it. Many times your personality will be one of the most important attributes, how you treat people, the example of dedication in what you do, perseverance and a good attitude when things don’t go well.
These qualities, although we often think that they do not make a difference, can result in great opportunities for the growth of your business.
2. Establish your network of contacts
Whether in the professional or social field, getting what we want mostly depends on the interaction between people and the relationships that are established. Like everything the first few times it can be a bit uncomfortable but with practice it gets easier.
It is important to attend networking events in the industry, where you can meet experts and contacts that can benefit you in the future. It is obvious but sometimes we forget to smile, be kind, pay attention, take an interest in the other person and not only think about your benefit, but also about how you can help them or what you can offer this person.
Just dare to meet people wherever you go, many times a great contact or relationship can be formed at the least expected moment.
3. Access celebrities, bloggers, influencers or content creators
We are in times where many people have millions of followers around different online platforms. It is a great opportunity to promote businesses and has become one of the most used advertising tools to reach large audiences.
There are different ways to approach them, we already know that one of the most common is to send product samples as gifts hoping that if they enjoy the product they share it with their public, on the other hand they can also be contacted directly as well as celebrities, but this can be a waste of time as they are constantly bombarded with millions of messages. A good tactic may be to contact your stylist.
4. Build collaborations and alliances
This can be both in the fashion industry and with other names in different product categories that share the same customer profile. It is another way to gain visibility as a new fashion designer, relying on established brands, known by the majority of the public.
It can be with department stores, a clothing line for supermarkets, design collaboration for bedding, famous online stores, participation in art and design competitions. There are many possibilities, you just have to be creative and look for the opportunities that will expose your brand publicly.
It is a very beneficial strategy but it is also important to make sure that it is something that exposes your brand in the best way, that is consistent with your concept and what you want to convey as a designer.
5. Contact department stores
Once you have a solid production infrastructure, department stores are an excellent idea to access many more people and generate more sales. They are usually located inside shopping centers, which guarantees a good flow of people. Make a list of possible stores both physical and online, which usually sell a wide variety of brands.
You must have a business plan, where you can present your business proposal with these chains, be clear about your prices and how far you can lower your prices so that it remains profitable.
Before contacting them, make sure you inform yourself about it, find out how it works and what processes we must follow. Another advantage of this model is that you can think big, identify opportunities in other countries where you can reach with your products.
6. Differentiate yourself from the competition
With all the options that currently exist, it is important to have key points of differentiation that make your brand unique. There are several options on how to stand out. It can be with the packaging and the form of delivery, that it be something surprising and creative, the option of alterations and arrangements in the pieces, personalized and exclusive products, artisanal and handmade details, principles of sustainability, commitment to the environment or causes.
7. Dominate social networks
Presence in networks is essential to create and share your brand identity, but before starting to open each existing social network and go crazy trying to put content everywhere, analyze which ones your customer profile frequents, establish the ones that will give you the best return of your time.
It is better to start with one or two handled perfectly, learn about them and make the most of them, than to use them all at the same time but not do well in any of them.
8. Presence in the media
Although lately the internet has taken center stage from the media, it is still a very powerful resource to access more people and gain credibility. It is possible that throughout your career as a designer, opportunities in the media such as interviews, for example, will begin to appear.
For this type of meeting you must be very prepared, be an expert of your brand and everything that is behind it, practice several times if possible, be prepared to answer different questions that may possibly arise, only practice and experience will give you security to face these situations in the best way.
9. Pay for advertising
If you don’t have an advertising budget at the beginning there is no problem, social networks and the internet provide many opportunities to expose your brand for free. But if your brand is growing and there is already a budget dedicated to reaching more people, paying for advertising would be the next step.
This can be done through social networks and search engines such as Instagram, Facebook, Google or Pinterest. As we mentioned before, before using any of these options, make sure to analyze which one will generate the greatest impact on your audience.
Read Also: The 10 Most Expensive Clothing Brands In The World
10. Offer an excellent product
Last but not least, making sure you offer a high quality product, fair price and unmatched service is a very important factor in the sales process. It is what will make consumers come back to buy or recommend our products to different people.
This is a very powerful strategy because many times small oversights in customer service or finishes can result in bad comments and complaints that damage the reputation of your business.